Don’t Screw the Little Guy!

We think nothing of splurging on lavish dinners and exotic vacations. We tip extensively in high-end restaurants where the food is average, and the service is marginal. It’s part of the status game. Part of the charade.  Yet, we tend to … [Read more...]

Futball Fever — The Other Side

The world will have to wait for 4 more years for life to come to a standstill and be engulfed with futball fever one more time. I feel sorry for the Brazilians, where the mounting losses on the playing field are symbolic of a nation in flux. In the … [Read more...]

“It’s a No Fault State”

That's the party line response from the agitated mom of the young girl who accidentally reversed into my son's car in the school parking lot. She was neither polite nor remorseful. She had tried to get my son to sign a statement in her favor. He, … [Read more...]

A Meal vs a Snack

The NCAA (the body that overseas collegiate athletic in the US) concludes that if a university offers a student a bagel it is a snack. Slap a dab of cream-cheese on it and it becomes a meal. Why the debate? Universities are allowed to feed student … [Read more...]