Tomorrow Matters

The nation is one edge — on the verge of a historic election that defines the rhetoric that is tearing this beautiful country apart. The United States of America, somehow, feels like the Divided States of America. Divisions exist along political, … [Read more...]

Please Stop the Hate

The hateful rhetoric, the killings of innocent people during prayer, bombs designed to maim and destroy. What is wrong with our world? And this is supposed to be one of the most developed nations in the world? Is this civilized behavior? We must … [Read more...]

Free Advice

Here is some free advice to a plethora of high maintenance students at universities around the country: The world does not revolve around you. All the stars in the world won’t align to ensure that your universe is in perfect harmony. Every … [Read more...]

Winter Assault

The country reels from extremely cold weather. In our neck of the woods, the grass is brown, the flowers are dead and the trees and shrubs have taken a beating. We are not used to the cold weather in Florida. We head indoors and bundle up. The … [Read more...]