Brilliant Simon

I am always impressed by those who think differently about our world, and who also have a way with words. These are few, and far between. Simon Sinek is one, who never fails to amaze me with his unique insight into life and business. Below is one of … [Read more...]

Tomorrow Matters

The nation is one edge — on the verge of a historic election that defines the rhetoric that is tearing this beautiful country apart. The United States of America, somehow, feels like the Divided States of America. Divisions exist along political, … [Read more...]

Celebrate Diversity

Surround yourself and embrace people who do not pray like you, who do not look like you, who do not love like you and especially who do not vote like you. — Dr. Louis Profeta … [Read more...]

Raise Your Hand

If you are an American Indian, or you or your forefathers did not migrate to this country — even a few generations removed — please raise your hand. I bet there are very few hands in the air. It is Interesting how we change the rules of human conduct … [Read more...]