Don’t Screw the Little Guy!

We think nothing of splurging on lavish dinners and exotic vacations. We tip extensively in high-end restaurants where the food is average, and the service is marginal. It’s part of the status game. Part of the charade.  Yet, we tend to … [Read more...]


The vision Mr. Martin Luther King had of racial equity and elimination of prejudice, over 50 years ago, is still unrealized. We live in a colored world and a person's skin tone impacts the opportunities they get, and the way people look at them. … [Read more...]

Equitable Pay

There are some in academe who believe that all professors should be paid the same, irrespective of their field of specialization. A little bit like yours truly wanting to be paid as much as as a brain surgeon because we are both "Doctors". By title? … [Read more...]