When a Loss is a Win

Moral victories are hollow victories. Wise words from my legal counsel. A response is only warranted when one can improve the situation. There is no value in responding to lies and innuendo. It’s tempting to have the last word, but it’s really … [Read more...]


Hate to admit it, but I am officially domesticated. Rohini is convinced that it took her 24 years to “train” me. That means she has been on a pretty good ride the last 4 years. I make breakfast, help tidy up the house, constantly walk the dogs, … [Read more...]

The Turtle & the Butterfly

“Sometimes I am a social butterfly, meeting and talking to everyone. Most of the time, however, I am like the turtle — I hide in my shell”. That was a unique insight from my son. As I get a older, outside my students and my craft, I am turning … [Read more...]

Playing the Victim

Ever got caught with your hand in the metaphoric cookie jar? The good ones learn to “own it”, and take responsibility for their actions. They learn to deal with the fallout of their poor choices, without making excuses. On the flip side are the … [Read more...]