What’s Going On?

I have received a plethora of emails and messages based on my writings this past month — all with the same question; what’s going on?  My beautiful sister, was diagnosed with cancer about five weeks ago. Surreal, given that my best friend was … [Read more...]


I wrote a post about Molly, my broken, dysfunctional dog. What I came to realize is that all of us are broken, in our own way.  Yet we seek strength and hope in our daily lives. We flush our insecurities and leverage our strengths. We look … [Read more...]

“You Can’t Pour From an Empty Cup”

Sage advice from a friend and young colleague showing wisdom beyond her years. “Remember to take time for  yourself too — you can’t pour from an empty cup!” I plead guilty to not having taken care of myself these past few weeks. As I brace to … [Read more...]

Listen to Your Gut

Cut through the mirage of your perfect world, and the dreams you weave for your ideal life. When something sounds too good to be true, it usually is.... Learn to let the mirage evaporate and focus on the possibilities on the horizon. Yes, it’s … [Read more...]