Live and Let Live

 I love you when you bow in your mosque, kneel in your temple, pray in your church. For you and I are sons of one religion, and it is the spirit.Khalil Gibran … [Read more...]

Our faith of love

Merry Christmas, Diwali greetings and the happiest of New Years to you and the family from the Rustogi's. Hemant, my husband, is a Hindu and I am raised as a Christian. The two of us are a perfect example how our two faiths are in total harmony with … [Read more...]

Eid Mubarak

I grew up with the concept of secularism deeply ingrained in my psyche. A secular system is built on the notion of religious acceptance and the right of an individual to pray to a God of their choosing. I was raised in a predominantly Hindu … [Read more...]

I Must…

Today is my last day at Gethsemani. Yesterday at the 5pm service the Abbot announced that Father Robert had passed away just a few minutes earlier. A deep sense of sorrow engulfed me. Why do I feel sad for the passing of a person I did not know? … [Read more...]