Synergistic Talent

Individual talent is all for naught when egos compromise team dynamics. Give me a group of dedicated people who focus on team deliverables — without regard to their individual needs — and they can move mountains. It’s difficult to check our egos … [Read more...]

Pointing Fingers

It’s common modus operandi. When things go south, blame someone else — typically those that have less professional equity and less clout. It’s the oldest trick in the book. And it’s getting old. The good ones, stand up, and own it. They take … [Read more...]

The Journey Continues ……

The Heroes journey continues. Now that Veterans Day is over and the rest of us get back to work, the demons for most of these Vets don’t go away. I met a young man, with a young bride and a young son in tow, who talked about his dog Gunner, who … [Read more...]

Burnout is Real

When we ride our people too hard, burnout is inevitable. 60 hour work weeks, years at end, become the straw that breaks the camels back. We must learn to treat our best people with dignity — not as money making machines. When organizations focus … [Read more...]