The Kindness of Strangers’

No name, except for the one that hides behind an awkward badge. An unfamiliar face of a stranger. Unknown, unheralded, and a face I will probably never see again. Yet they touch your heart with kindness during difficult times. A gentle touch, a warm … [Read more...]

Congratulations Grads

Do all the other things, the ambitious things—travel, get rich, get famous, innovate, lead, fall in love, make and lose fortunes…but as you do, to the extent that you can, err in the direction of kindness.George Saunders … [Read more...]

Practice Tolerance

As we celebrated Easter, and family, hundreds were killed in terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka. Over time, we get desensitized to these attacks, till they hit closer to home. The death toll becomes a number.  We shake our head in disbelief and move … [Read more...]

Treat Them With Dignity

“You treat everyone with dignity — parents, teachers, visitors, vendors and workers. I have learned a lot from watching how you treat people”. That was a humbling observation by one of my key people. I often teach my students that we must not … [Read more...]