Writers Block

The mind is mush, after a long hectic day. The fingers tap away aimlessly at the keyboard, seeking some inspiration. Some rhythm. Type. Delete. Type. Delete. Nothing worthwhile flows from this exercise. Not today. And then the phone rings and … [Read more...]

A Quiet Place

Find a place of solitude, close your eyes, just breathe and focus on your breath. There is a natural calmness that stems from quiet meditation. Given our fast paced lives, our complex world and the demands on our time, 15 minutes day of total … [Read more...]

Words of Wisdom

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. — Scott Adams … [Read more...]

Little People, Enchanted Worlds

For the past three weeks, I’ve had 11-year-old Dhruv and just-under-six Sara as house guests in DC and we’ve inhabited a magic world. There have been excursions and explorations and discoveries and epiphanies. We have had teasing and laughter and … [Read more...]