Change Causes Pain

I was talking to my students about the fact that I had a new personal trainer, Jeffery, and how every muscle in my body hurt. This is attributable to serious muscle confusion that stems from a new workout routine. Trainer - 1; Me - 0. It is ironic … [Read more...]

There is a New Sheriff in Town

Changes in organizational leadership create uncertainty for some of those that are left behind, while creating opportunities for others to step up to the plate and take charge. "We used to do it like this," is no longer an acceptable … [Read more...]

Organizational Transitions

Changes in leadership are difficult, at best. There are no easy answers. Change creates anxiety and occasionally quiet celebrations, depending on the impact on individuals who stay behind. The common, unspoken, question — How does this impact … [Read more...]

Words of Wisdom

It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change — Charles Darwin … [Read more...]