Looking Back. Moving Forward.

She was consumed by a nervous energy as we ran spreadsheets, raised money, and meandered through the maze of bureaucracy to build our first school. I remember peeping in, as my young children slept soundly, wondering if I was jeopardizing their future. All she ever wanted was an opportunity to pursue her dreams.

That was 17 years ago, when Rohini opened her first school, against all odds. Today, Madam President, presides over three schools. With a team of 50 dedicated teachers, she educates and loves on over 300 children on a daily basis.

Tomorrow, she kicks off the start of her 18th year changing lives and educating America’s future generations. With little regard for financial reward, or personal accolades, she has zeroed her energy into pursuing her life’s work.

I couldn’t me more proud of her selfless giving, and her passion for every child that walks our halls. As we look back, we must move forward to raise the bar of excellence. Amazing when a dream, and a plan, come together. Cheers to the next 18 years!

About Hemant Rustogi

An award-winning teacher at The University of Tampa, an entrepreneur, a CEO and founding principal of Advantage Pointe Internationale, and blogger on 5oclockreflections.com.


  1. Jerry M. KYLE says

    Rohini is a very intelligent lady who knows how to lead and get the best from her team, internal and externally.
    She knows her goals and always stays focused on same.