A Special Celebration

The Montessori schools have celebrated Rohini (the boss lady) this week for winning the Indo-US Chamber “Business Woman of the Year” award. Tomorrow, she will be publicly recognized at a special Gala to commemorate the occasion.  I couldn’t … [Read more...]

Tears of Strength

The lights of the emergency vehicles were twirling. The wailing sound of a woman with a broken heart was haunting and tragic. Two days later, we were still talking about it.  I don’t think I have ever heard so much grief in a voice. I am all too … [Read more...]

The Road Less Traveled

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference. (The Road Not Taken, 16-20) The road less traveled is beautiful and the scenery is exquisite. Yet, it takes us out of our comfort zone, so we … [Read more...]

Love Your Dog

“I’ll take your money now, please. I know you love your dog, but I love your wallet, and what’s in it. And, of course I love your dog too!!” Welcome to the Vet world. It’s easier (and a lot cheaper) to  raise a child, than it is to raise a … [Read more...]