Style Without Substance

The table must be perfectly set. The china and glassware shining. Every decoration working in harmony to set the picture perfect stage for a holiday meal. I had people like that in my former life. All about style – very little substance. Those people are no longer in my life.

Today, in our home, the setting is more than a tad off. But there is music, food and laughter in abundance. Our focus this week is on family, and the people who give meaning to this holiday. As you gather around the dinner table this Turkey Day, let substance rule over style. As long as the bellies are full, and the wine flows freely, the other stuff really does not matter. Gratitude is never about the things we have, but about the people who give meaning to our lives.

About Hemant Rustogi

An award-winning teacher at The University of Tampa, an entrepreneur, a CEO and founding principal of Advantage Pointe Internationale, and blogger on